How do I buy a Gift Card or Voucher?

  • Select the amount. (Tip: keep in mind the shipping/courier flat rate cost of R99 for purchases below R500)
  • Add the email of the recipient as well as your personal message that should accompany the gift.
  • Add to cart; Proceed to checkout; Choose method of payment; and Place order. (EFT payment orders are placed on hold until proof of payment is received)
  • The recipient receives a Gift Card code together with your personal message by email which he/she uses when buying online.
  • If the full amount is not spent, the balance (which is shown all the time) is kept for more online shopping at a later stage.

Easy online shopping with an online Gift Card

  • Click on the brown Redeem action button on the Gift Card received by email. This action zips you, gift code and all, right into the Sleeping Beauty Traders online shop. (This is the straightest, no hassle way to shop online with your gift card)
  • Browse through the online shop and place products in the cart.
  • When done, go to checkout. If you entered via your email message, your code will automatically display.
  • If not, you need to enter the code, e.g. LKLD-86NL-X3KG-MFZW in the Have a Gift Card selection.
  • Apply Gift Card (balance will be shown) Should the amount of your selection be more than the value of the voucher, the additional amount will be treated like a normal transaction.
  • Should the total be less than the value of the voucher, the rest can be spent at a later stage. (Always keep in mind, though the R99 courier cost for orders less than R500)